Tall Oaks Academy Trust

Rebrand, prospectus design and marketing materials for three school academies.


  • Logo Design
  • Prospectus Design
  • Marketing Materials

Tall Oaks Academy Trust are an independent multi-academy trust in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, which consist of three primary schools; White's Wood, Mercer's Wood and recently founded Castle Woods.

Upon transistion of the schools to acamedies we were invited to create a new visual identity for the Trust and each of the Academies that reflected their values and vision. The scope of work involved a set of logos, prosepectus', brochures and various supporting marketing materials.

Fuse Design Ltd - FuseDesign_TallOaks_School_Logo_Design_01
Fuse Design Ltd - School Logo Design
Fuse Design Ltd - School Prospectus Design
Fuse Design Ltd - School Brochure Design
Fuse Design Ltd - School Branding
Fuse Design Ltd - School Logo Design
Fuse Design Ltd - School Prospectus Design
Fuse Design Ltd - School Branding Design
Fuse Design Ltd - School Prospectus
Fuse Design Ltd - School Marketing Materials
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